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Please Select A Sponsorship Opportunity
1. 2025 MANAS Sponsor
Signage and recognition of MANAS event sponsor - $2000
5 minute address to captivated audience
Attendance welcome at receptions
Includes Winter & Summer
Attendee roster – hard copy
*Available at a discounted rate of $1,500 to Annual MANA Sponsors as an add on sponsorship
2. 2025 Annual Sponsorship & Advertising
Platinum Sponsorship Includes:
Gold Sponsorship Includes:
Silver Sponsorship Includes:
Published Advertising
Advertising in the MANA bi-annual newsletter the MANA Connector is a great way to reach CRNAs and SRNAs throughout the state.
Net non-commissionable rates for ads per issue are:
Full Page-8”(w)x 10.5”(h)______________________ $750
Half Page-8”(w)x 5”(h)________________________ $500
Quarter Page-3.75”(w)x 5”(h)___________________$250
Publish dates for 2024 are: May 15, November 15
Ads are due 4 weeks prior to the print and mail date.
Preferred ad format is high resolution pdf.
Web Advertising - Banner Ads
Advertising on the MANA website is a great way to reach CRNAs and SRNAs throughout the state.
Net non-commissionable rates for full color banner ads linked to your website are:
6 months___________________________________ $500
12 months__________________________________ $750
Career Center
Post job opportunities!
If you would like to post to the career center, please select the appropriate store product below:
30 Day Posting___________________ $200
60 Day Posting___________________ $300
90 Day Posting___________________ $500